Thursday, October 4, 2007


I really owe it to my faithful few blog readers to explain my absence here, and let you know what I've been up to. I woke up 3 weeks ago, and suddenly decided I wanted to be a teacher - a lifelong dream of mine! I've been studying like mad, because there are several craaaazy tests I have to pass real soon, and lots of books to read and catching up to do. I'll start taking classes next semester. I also may be working at the YMCA after-school care center, to gain valuable experience dealing with children. I looked for an hour for a picture to post with these few remarks, and found nothing! I'm afraid my right brain is taking over again!!! That's that awful non-artistic side, the side I've used most of my life! I guess it must be engaged to pass these upcoming tests, but for now I feel I'm not even worthy of this blog. Well, I will keep you updated on my progress - wish me luck!!! Oh, and happy fall y'all!

****Recent Update***** I got so worked up over this left brain thing taking over, almost to the point of tears, so I just went and retook the Left Vs Right Brain test here. Guess what? I've actually improved on my art side from my last test of 50/50 brained! I'm now at 35 left/65 right! So, we're all OK! I can still paddle around the coast of the artistic bloggers and not feel like a complete non-swimmer! (Oh, there's lots more fun tests on that site, if anyone has lots of time!) Maybe I'll even start crafting again this fall!


e.beck.artist said...

hey! i think i'm one of your faithful blog readers!!!
i think that's great that you want to teach ..... i have my masters in education and taught til i had kids ..... i sometimes think about going back ... but think i would want to go back as an art teacher surprise there! .... what age do you want to teach? i had a prek -8th certificate ...but mostly taught second grade .... good luck !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you, for following your heart and dreams! I'm so proud of you. "It's never to late to be what you might have been!" You're making me want to go try my hand (or maybe my mind) at something new! I just can't think of what that new thing is at the moment, lol! I know you will do fantastic as a teacher! I hope you have fun with the kids at the Y, too. You go, girl! I'm right here behind you! I do hope you will find a moment now and then to keep us up to date on your blog, we love you!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Sallie!! You come from a strong family of learners, shakers and do-ers!! Look at Mommie and Daddy!! Working with children is the best way to make a better future for all of us. Thank you! Love, Roberta

Cindy Is Crafty said...

Good for you! There are a lot of people teaching that don't want to be there, but are. It is great to know that there is someone there that is glad to be and will make a difference!

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration! We all have "wish lists" and I think it is fabulous you are working on yours! Congrats for making such a great leap! Take care and keep us posted! BTW, I am going to hop over to take that test! My husband says I am too right brained!