Janet is a cat lover, and has rescued several cats and kittens. She also loves purses, sparkly little things, and flowers! Most of all, she loves the color PINK. So this was a fun collage to make! I even added one of Heidi's famous dress patterns, slightly altered to fit the little squares.
I was tagged by Heidi, to play the Middle Name Game!!! Ugh! Yes, I have the shortest middle name possible, yet still I'm complaining about doing this. But, I'll be a good sport and play.
First of all, I'm going to change the rules! I'm going to try to list something funny that starts with at least one of the letters of my middle name. I'm sure you're all in suspense, so here goes: It's Jo!
J = 'Just finished my 7th collage! I just love making these! I even made one to submit to a magazine!
O = Out! Oh my, I fell out of my chair! Just last week, I got a little too relaxed while on the computer and I fell out of my chair! Yup, I fell completely over backwards, with a big BOOM! Don't worry, I was fine, thanks to some nice padding. But I guess that woke me up!
I hereby tag: Sue and Genece! Oh, here's the rules! "Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
OUT. !!!!
I almost fell OUT of my chair laughing! What in the world were you looking at online that made you fall out of your chair? LOL
The collage you made for "JH" is gorgeous! I love every single square! It's perfect, I'm sure she'll treasure it forever! What a sweet aunt!
Can you post on your blog the answer when Sue and Genece respond?
...later... Was that fancy Sparks In Life's Engine collage up there earlier??? How in the world did I miss that? With the vintage radio and your little doggy? Cute! Is this a collage or moveable setting? Cool!
So cute Sallie! You should start a business doing custom collages!
Great collage work! Those bits and pieces are addicting, aren't they?
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