Thursday, October 4, 2007
****Recent Update***** I got so worked up over this left brain thing taking over, almost to the point of tears, so I just went and retook the Left Vs Right Brain test here. Guess what? I've actually improved on my art side from my last test of 50/50 brained! I'm now at 35 left/65 right! So, we're all OK! I can still paddle around the coast of the artistic bloggers and not feel like a complete non-swimmer! (Oh, there's lots more fun tests on that site, if anyone has lots of time!) Maybe I'll even start crafting again this fall!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Remakings on my Collange and Received Paper Bag ATCs
This past weekend was quite exciting for our household. On Saturday morning, my DH and I took our little terrier mix, Ruffy, to the San Jose "Bark In The Park"! There were about 10,000 people there, and 3,000 dogs! There were all sorts of dog related vendors there, handing out plenty of free samples. There were various dog activities, dog tricks, a dog agility course, dog wading pools, food for all, contests - including a pet/owner look-alike contest (my DH and Ruffy entered this contest last year!!!), everything just dog, dog, dog! The talented daughter of a family friend, Stephanie Lam, had a free pet portrait drawing in her booth. Yeah, a drawing - just like we do online!
Next, we quickly dropped off the tired pooch and headed up to Berkeley to watch the Cal Bears beat LA State 45 to 15. What an exciting stadium full of fans! 58,000 roaring, cheering fans! Afterwards, we got to go out to eat with one of my dear nieces who is a senior at Berkeley. One of my sisters, an alumni, sent us a couple free tickets and boy did we appreciate that!
On Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed the hometown feel of our Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival. We always run into people we know there! It truly marks the end of the summer, and is a tradition for us.
So...Art wise??? I redid some squares on a collage, packed it up to be shipped off to OK! I really felt it needed a flute, for some true personalization for this dear niece. I've been spouting off numbers so here's some more: I have 10 nieces and 8 nephews! Oops! Some are married, so that's 11 nieces and 10 nephews! There! Now, lets check for any more upcoming birthdays....Oh! There's one! I'm afraid the Col-Lage fever has struck again!!! Off I go!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Funny Names and a new Collage!
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) Mimi Nissan
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Heath Peanut-Butter
3. YOUR “FLY GUY/GIRL” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) S-Bar
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Red Doggy
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Jo Vancouver
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink) The Blue-Tea
8. NASCAR NAME: Erwin Otto
9.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ), Mae Rodney
10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter), Wolfe Wichita
12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower) Autumn Rose
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Apple Shirtie
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree), Muffin Ash
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: ("The" + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + "Tour") The Collage Sunrise Tour
There. My personal favorites are Mimi Nissan and Jo Vancouver. Keep those in mind in case I enter the Witness Protection Program and try to trick you! Hint: I may be in Wichita. Just a tid-bit of trivia about me: My 5th grade teacher, Miss Wolfe, was also my mom's 5th grade teacher! (Small area of Eastern Washingon of Latah-Fairfield area.) Also, while I was in 5th grade, my mom used to be my substitute teacher! Sadly, for question number 8 I had to go do some research on one of my grandpa's names. I wasn't sure of it. Tragically, he died 22 years before I was born, so I only know him from a couple pictures we have of him. Anyway, have fun with this.
I also finished another collage last night! I have the Col-Lage fever, I guess! This one is for another sweet niece who has a birthday coming up! I don't think she looks at my blog, at least I hope not. I may change a square or two, tweaking here or there as needed. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm very open to them! Thanks in advance!
Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Do Something Creative Every Day!
Awhile back I participated in the "Bits & Pieces Collage Swap". After looking at other completed collages, I noticed many had used these quaint and tiny millinery flowers. I hunted and hunted online for these little charming darlings on eBay, Etsy, and even Michael's but fruitlessly. Finally, after admiring some wonderfully creative collages made by Amy Elise, I got really brave and asked her where she got her lovely little flowers? She responded in the most surprising way! She said she got hers at a store in the swanky Santana Row, in San Jose! This is within walking distance from our house!!! I go there, mostly just to eat, but I do go there and had never seen this store before! And Amy Elise lives in Utah!!!! I just think this is so ironic, that someone in Utah would have to point out to me a lovely little shop just a few blocks from where I live! But I am ever so grateful to you Amy!!! Thank you, my blogging friend.
I showed some pictures of the store, Paper Source, and some of the flowers and paper I bought last night. I first went a few weeks ago and have enjoyed using the cute supplies for my crafting. They also have an online site here . Most of all, don't you just love the Paper Source's motto??? "Do Something Creative Every Day". This is plastered on their window, and on their brochures! But guess what? It's true! That's a great way to bring sunlight and a spark of happiness to your day! Whether it's as small as decorating your store list, or swirling whipped cream on a pie, or an actual bona-fide craft project, it'll make you smile to do something creative every day!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Favorite Things!

Sound – 1. Silence 2. Purring 3. Mail man leaving lots for me!
Late Night Snack – Ice cream!!! (Any flavor and in any form that someone here buys is great!) I'm eating Heath Bar Crunch Poppers right now! Yum!
Smell – 1.Clean-like dishes being washed or shampoo 2. The forest 3. The beach
Color Combination – 1. Pink and beige 2. Red and yellow
Nut – Trail Mix! (With plenty of M&Ms in it!)
Time of Year – Fall
Books – Fiction. My favorites include Robert Ludlum (The Borne Identity)
Female Actress – Meryl Streep?
Flower – 1. Sunflower 2. Daisy 3. Calla Lily
Vacation Spot – My own backyard! (OK, OK give me a travel brochure - I'm very easy to please!)
Pizza – Just cheese on it - no sauce (Is that focaccia bread?)
Subject in School – Nutrition ( and lunch!)
TV Channel – Depends on what I'm watching!
Radio Station – (No favorites: Contemporary Christian or oldies rock)
Holiday – 1. Christmas!!!
2. Thanksgiving 3. Mother's Day! (Am I allowed to say that?)
Perfume – I don't own a drop! Years ago, I loved Jasmine flower; also Firefox; and sometimes Youth Dew - til I realized my DH's grandmother wore it! Now, I just don't care for perfume and it sometimes gives me a headache.
Shoes – flip-flops!
Candy – 1. My own Almond Roca! 2nd place: Reece's Peanut Butter Cups
City to Shop – Home Sweet Home so I know all the secrets.
Beauty Products – I really need help, here!
Item to Shop For – Craft supplies, home decorative items, tops
I'll repeat what Heidi said: I’m not tagging any one by name, but just anyone who read this who wants to play!
Monday, September 10, 2007
More Middle Name Game and the 5 & 10 Club!

By now, most of you know that Heidi of Everyday Cookies and I are sisters! Last week I wrote about the sweet club we had when we were little called the "5 and 10 Club". I'm sure I was the president! Here's a picture of just the 2 of us at those ages! Wasn't little Heidi adorable? I think she was holding her 5 fingers up to prove she was 5. This was Christmas time at our Grandma and Grandpa's house, and we are holding our new dolls. My doll was named Betty, and believe it or not, I still have her!!! She's missing some body parts after being played with by my 4 younger sisters and 2 nieces before I was given her back! I even have a couple of her dresses! I don't feel emotionally attached to her, as I would if I still had my original Betsy-Wetsy. My sister Kathy whose daughters played with her spent quite a bit of time contacting various doll hospitals, checking out what it would take to restore her. But, they all claimed I might as well just completely replace her.
I tagged 2 of my other sisters, Sue and Genece to play the Middle Name Game! They are such good sports that they participated. Neither has a blog, quite yet, so I'll post their middle names here, since I was the one who tagged them.
First, we have my darling, cheerful sister Genece Elizabeth! (Sunshine!)
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Next is my sweet and charming sister, Susan Naomi:

All of my 5 sisters and 3 brothers have a close walk with God, who we consider our loving Heavenly Father. How wonderful it is to pray and know God hears us! On my way to church yesterday, I got a flat tire on a busy freeway here and had to pull off. I had left my cell phone home on the kitchen table, of course, on the day I really needed it. So, I prayed, then left my car to walk to the next freeway exit. This is very dangerous to do here! There was a big 20 ft tall retainer wall in that section so I couldn't leave the freeway. After I'd walked about 1/2 a mile, a car pulled over in front of me, amazingly. I ran up to it and saw an older lady sitting in it, eager to help me! She let me sit in her call and call AAA. I consider her very nice, brave, and angelic! she was so calm and sweet to me. I was just shaking and so scared I could barely talk on the phone. She offered to drive me in reverse all the way back to my car, but I told her it'd be too dangerous for her and that I'd be fine. I just thanked her all I could for her kindness and headed back to my car. The tow truck driver came pretty quickly and changed my tire.
Once he'd finished, I said something that may have seemed very odd to the tow truck driver. I asked him if he'd like a cup of coffee! I just realized tonight that he probably didn't realize I had dispensers of coffee and tea in my car, as well as a couple pies I was taking to church for our snack table! Did he think I was asking him on a date to Starbucks or something??? Horrors! I really laughed at myself tonight, when I thought that all through. Anyway, that tire story was a little too much of a spark for my engine this weekend. We had a new tire installed this morning, and the verdict was that I'd driven over a razor blade.
Oh, and since this is supposed to be the artsy corner of my life, I have big news! I started another new collage this afternoon! Pictures coming, later this week when I finish it!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Back & Forth ATC Swap
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Middle Name Game and a Pink Surprise!
Janet is a cat lover, and has rescued several cats and kittens. She also loves purses, sparkly little things, and flowers! Most of all, she loves the color PINK. So this was a fun collage to make! I even added one of Heidi's famous dress patterns, slightly altered to fit the little squares.
I was tagged by Heidi, to play the Middle Name Game!!! Ugh! Yes, I have the shortest middle name possible, yet still I'm complaining about doing this. But, I'll be a good sport and play.
First of all, I'm going to change the rules! I'm going to try to list something funny that starts with at least one of the letters of my middle name. I'm sure you're all in suspense, so here goes: It's Jo!
J = 'Just finished my 7th collage! I just love making these! I even made one to submit to a magazine!
O = Out! Oh my, I fell out of my chair! Just last week, I got a little too relaxed while on the computer and I fell out of my chair! Yup, I fell completely over backwards, with a big BOOM! Don't worry, I was fine, thanks to some nice padding. But I guess that woke me up!
I hereby tag: Sue and Genece! Oh, here's the rules! "Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Summer That I Was Ten-

Can it be there be there was only one
summer that I was ten? It must
have been a long one then-"
Quote by May Swenson (1919-1995), U.S. poet.
I found this perfect quote for some ATCs I was working on, then got stumped into figuring out where, exactly, was I the summer I was ten? We moved a lot when I was young, and so the best I could come up with was I spent parts of that summer in Yakima, Wash and Fairfield, Wash. The first picture above is the summer I was ten. I'm sitting on our porch in Yakima with my friend. (I'm on the right, and I don't remember my friend's name.) But actually where I lived didn't matter, when I was a kid. The big memorable aspect of that year was that I formed a little darling "club" called the 5 and 10 Club! This club only had two members, me - the 10 year old, and Heidi - the precious 5 year old! For some reason those numbers, 5 and 10, were just so cool in my brain and I had to celebrate our ages with a club. At that time there were already seven children in our family, so for me to single out little Heidi for this club was pretty special for her. I sure wish we had more pictures of our childhood! I'd love one of this club!
Other memories I have about being 10 include the antique wrecked car we had out in our wild back yard! Oh that was fun to play in, and drive! Also, amazingly, I remember that being the year I got excited about studying clouds! That's a great summer memory: being outside with nothing much to do but appreciate the glorious clouds of central Washington. I remember the irrigation creek running through our property (we could NOT drink from that water, and I had no idea why!).... my pen pals.... the paths we trampled in the tall weeds to make trails....the little worms dangling down from the green apple tree....the bees.... the neighbor boy who would bravely hold a bee...the mosquitoes, and the times I watched closely as the mosquito bit me with that long pipe out of its mouth...the piano, the trumpet, the records blaring, the singing and dancing with all the kids....lots of just playing with kids, each other and friends. The one secret game I played with one of my brothers was "Little Lost Children". On a warm summer night, when no one wanted to play kick-the-can any more, we'd go out and just walk slowly around the outside the house, pretending, being somber, maybe snacking on some dinner leftovers. Oh, the summer I was ten. What a great age to be a kid! And I'll never forget sitting with little Heidi, our backs against her bedroom wall, planning and playing in our sweet "5 and 10 Club."
The last picture shows the album I am working on for my daughter, Erica. Here she is on the cover with her new kitten, Sugar Baby! This album is by K & Company, and I'm keeping all pages coordinated with the gentle colors in the paper pad by Brenda Walton. So far I've finished 9 pages and I'm up to the summer of her 3rd grade!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Joyful Art!

Also, this sure has been a great mail week! Everyone knows some of the more rewarding things to do online include not only blogging and email, but also ordering from Ebay and Etsy, and participating in swaps! Because then, you get REAL mail!!! I've recently ordered 7 different items from Etsy, the handmade store, and just love all of them! First, I needed a special baby gift for the daughter of a close friend. So I ordered one of Heidi's gorgeous signs "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" from her Etsy shop. It's such a sweet and sentimental saying for a new little girl, and Heidi somehow puts such caring and love into each sign! Truthfully, when the sign arrived already gift wrapped and ready to go, I didn't open it before I gave it to baby Ava. So I'm just showing a picture Heidi has listed. I was happy and proud to give this special sign as a gift. And I know the new mother loved it, because not only did she send her warmest and sincere thanks, she did it within 2 days of receiving the gift!!! That's pretty thankful for a sleep-deprived new mother!
I also ordered some tags from Mary Ann's Etsy shop. Some? How about about 55 of them (for only $3.50!) I just feel like she practically gave me her own dear collection! I love the variety in this group, many vintage, and all different and so interesting. I tried to picture some of my favorites. What a fun box she sent them in, too. It was an old, old game box from "Lotto". Has anyone played that, let's say in the 50s or 60s?
Just yesterday, I received my Paper Bag Album Swap from my sweet Swap-Bot partner! Hurray, more great mail! Her name is Kathleen (aka "Angel Faery") and she lives in New Zealand. She made me this super charming scrapbook, full of fabulous vintage pictures! She included pictures that matched my family and pets! Oh, this is so delightful! She actually used white paper bags, so it has a lighter look to it. I really do treasure this amazing album, and look forward to picking out special pictures to put in it.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thank you very much Heidi! That was a mighty fun, powerful, electrifying *SPARK* in my engine today!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Jammin' It Up
While at my house Jessica proudly handed me the loving gifts from her mom! Heidi sent me this precious jar of raspberry jam she made from raspberries she grows! I can't believe it! All that talk all summer of her and her strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, probably blueberries too, and now I get to enjoy a jar of it! I hereby publicly thank you, Heidi, for the dear and treasured gift, so beautifully wrapped! I love your flower daisies and ribbon! I've spent much time moaning with envy, while I admire your luscious batches of berry jam, and now I get to savor one! Also, thank you for the big packet of vintage wallpaper, straight from Oregon! I will enjoy using the 3 pretty samples you sent down!
Well, we don't have berries in our yard, but we do have peaches! (Actually they could be nectarines.) Here's a sample of my second batch of jam I made this week! I just love the pretty peach color! My daughter made peach cobbler last Friday, and there isn't a more delicious dessert anywhere than warm peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream! Yum!
You may have seem my attempt at fabric yo-yo pillows in previous posts. Well, here's something new: Fabric HEART yo-yos! Something different to try! (Tutorial here.) I will certainly try this new shape! It's cool to be doing these projects that were done in the 1930s depression era: fabric yo-yos and making plenty of jam!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
8 Random Things About Me
I have accepted the dare. Here are 8 random things about me! Please laugh!
1. Last year I went to 4 different interviews wearing 4 (four!) pairs of socks so that my too-big shoes would stay on! I was also wearing 2 different kinds of shoe pads. Those shoes were too big!
2. I once made a lovely white sauce for some tuna noodle casserole for my family, AND accidentally added CAT tuna to it! I think we had to make a Taco-Bell run that night! I never was that great of a cook, but oh my!
3. A few years ago I won 3rd place at the Santa Clara County Fair in the Licorice Eating Contest! I have the ribbon, to prove it. Should I have to apologize for the fact that I love licorice? Ha!
4. Speaking of the fair, this year, while enjoying the animals, I noticed a big turkey was out of water and was pathetically pecking at his water dish. So I shared some of my bottled water with it. Later, I forgot about that and drank out of the same bottle! I'm still here, amazingly.
5. Did you know if you overcook popcorn in your microwave it'll turn into a big black brick? And smell the house horrible? Did I mention I'm not the greatest cook?
6. Oh yeah. One of the first times my daughter's boyfriend was over I had a dramatic accident. I asked him if he'd like some M&Ms, hurriedly crossed the room with a big bowl of M&Ms and tripped right as I got to him!!! Oh Dear! You guessed it, M&Ms were strewn all over the living room! What was really funny though, was the little throaty sounds he was making while helping me pick them all up but trying not to laugh at me! Guess that broke the ice between us!
7. I am the second-to-oldest of 9 children! I'll always be a "big kid". And from about Heidi on down ( number #5), will ALWAYS be "little kids"! Sometimes I give her little challenges to see if she qualifies for "big kid" status, but she still teeters right on that line.
8. Back in 1970 there was a chocolate diet aide, appetite supressing candy sold called "Aides". Once when I thought I was overweight, I bought a box of Aids - and ate the WHOLE box that night! It didn't help at all!
And if you're still not laughing, here's something I recently read in Reader's Digest, and certainly wholeheartedly agree with: "Why is it that babies are nauseated by a clean shirt?"
Surprise Collage for my Sis Heidi
Finally I can post the surprise collage I made for Heidi, of Everyday Cookies! We made each other surprises using only what was sent to us by the other person. I added the board, paint, glue and glitter but nothing more - even though I was greatly tempted! I had a blast designing this collage for Heidi! My original idea was to make a wreath shape with collage elements, but it morphed into something else. I altered some of the papers, playing cards, sheet music, and other goodies Heidi sent and came up with this collage. The little girls represent her two daughters, and of course the "M" is for her main crush (husband!) Mark! It's titled: "Walking In the Sunshine". Truthfully, I got some of my inspiration from recently doing Jenny's "bits & pieces" Collage Swap! Since I signed up for that swap, I've made a total of five collages and just love doing them!
Well, gulp, I don't have any more swaps or even art projects in the works right now! I've been working lots on a special scrapbook for my daughter, while she's away. I may post a few pictures of that in a few days. And, if I get brave enough, I'll post my "8 Things You Don't Know About Me"! But, someone has to dare me first! I work great under pressure! Take care, all!
L ~ Love is the greatest thing.
I ~ I'm a child of the King.
Z ~ Zephaniah 3:17C "...He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
A ~ All things work together for good to those who love the Lord.
B ~ Blessed are the poor in spirit.
E ~ East to the West - so far has he removed my transgressions from me.
T ~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
H ~ Hope - One of the things that remain